The Importance of Intentional Laziness

Weekly Challenge: Pay attention! How many times do you call yourself lazy over the course of a week?

Find our full episode transcription here

Episode Outline

1:03- Our personal & professional experience with “laziness”
2:45- The challenge
3:14- The focus of the podcast is…
3:49- Definition of lazy
4:35- Why would we want to schedule time to be lazy?
6:40- Uninterrupted, unstructured time
7:20- Productivity + glorification of busy
8:58- Brains + craving unstructured time
12:13- Unstructured time sounds boring. What can we do?
14:07- Unstructured time is less stimulating
14:25- We have a choice. + Being present in the moment
19:38- Laziness is an umbrella term for behaviours that have hidden causes.
21:30- Why do we and/or why do other people call us lazy?
23:18- Learned helplessness
26:06- How can I do it differently? Experiment!
27:17- Speaking in absolutes
28:55- Resparkalize our routines
30:34- Manage your expectations
31:47- Unstructured time
33:27- Activation
34:47- Self awareness
35:24- Needs


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